Crustless Quiche

Crustless Quiche

Two eggs and a piece of bacon walk into a bar. The bartender says, “Sorry, we don’t serve breakfast here.” Good thing this isn’t a bar because life without eggs and bacon would be a sad life, indeed. But this isn’t your traditional eggs...


This is my go-to meal. What is a go-to meal, you ask? Well, a go-to meal is a meal that you can fall back on when your well-intended plan to cook goes into the tank. This happens when you unexpectedly work late, or your kid is sick, or you just don’t have the...
Pepperoni Eggs

Pepperoni Eggs

I hear it all the time. Almost daily even. How can I spice up my eggs? I’ve been having scrambled eggs forever, is there anything else I can do? I need something easy and family friendly for breakfast, any ideas? Pepperoni Eggs might just be your new favorite...

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