
Our Patient Spotlight this month is Brian. I cannot tell you how wonderful it was to read Brian’s story for the first time. From his motivation and support from his wife and his faith to being able to wear his late father’s jacket for the first time is the exact reason I love these stories. It is about life. Your life and my life. How making changes and trying your best every day to be healthy is not just about looks, but rather about what being healthy gives you. It has given Brian so many things— read his story below. 

Brian has lost 192 pounds and 20 pant sizes!

Brian has lost 192 pounds and 20 pant sizes!

Thank you for sharing your story, Brian. 

I have so many different things that have motivated me in this Journey.  Growing up I was always quite a bit overweight.  As I got older I just kept on getting more and more overweight.  I finally decided that it was time to make a life change.  After dieting and losing then gaining right back, I decided it was time to do something more permanent.  I was tired of my feet , legs, knees and back always hurting.  I was tired of never being able to find the right size clothes anywhere except for at specialty clothing stores.  I was tired of always being the token overweight guy in the crowd.  I love hunting and camping and hiking and those things were always harder to do when you can’t walk 150 yards without being completely worn out.  I hated going to places and not being able to sit in the seats because I was too wide for the arms or not being able to sit in a booth because I was too big to slide into it.   My biggest reason has to be my amazing wife.  After we started dating, I decided I really wanted to be around to spend the rest of my life with an amazing woman that loves me for me so it was time to make a change to see that that happens.

Brian started at 395 pounds. Now he is weighing in at 203 pounds and doing great!

Brian started at 395 pounds. Now he is weighing in at 203 pounds and doing great!

Being almost 400 lbs at my highest weight, seeing the 200’s was a pretty eventful day for me.  Now I am knocking on the door to the 100’s and can’t believe it every time I step on the scales and look in the mirror. 



I remember the day I was out working in my barn and my wife came out there.  I was talking about using some of my dad’s old tools and since he has passed, I have had his old work jacket hanging up out there.  He was always a fit guy and never overweight so the thought of that jacket ever fitting was not even a thought in my mind.  I looked over at the jacket and decided to see how far off I was from wearing it and was in disbelief when I put it on and it actually fit.  I know he is looking down on me now and proud of me becoming healthy.  Another “WOW” moment was when I had bought some smaller jeans just so when I get smaller I would have something to wear.  My wife said I should try them on but I kept looking at them and thinking, there is no possible way I can fit into something that small. I tried them on and they fit just perfect.  

Brian is now able to wear his late father's jacket.

Brian is now able to wear his late father’s jacket.

Would you give yourself any other advice the day of surgery?

I really can’t think of anything.  I had the amazing support of God, my family and friends, Dr Walton and all the staff.  Just so glad to have all of them with me all the way.

Every morning I have started out with this one prayer:  “Father, I submit to Your will, purpose and plan for my life.  I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.  Lord, thank You for declaring Your plans for me.  Plans to prosper me and not harm me, plans to give me a hope and a future.  I renew my mind to Your plans for a healthy lifestyle.  You have abounded toward me in all prudence and wisdom.  Therefore I give thought to my steps and to what I eat.  Teach me knowledge and good judgement that I might attain and maintain my healthy weight, which is appropriate for my frame and age.  Jesus is Lord over my Spirit, soul and body Lord, so here is what I want to do with Your help, Father God.  Take my everyday, ordinary life, my sleeping, eating, going to work, and walking around life and place it before You as an offering.  Embracing what You do for me, is the best thing I can do for You.  Christ the Messiah is magnified and receives glory and praise in this body of mine and will be boldly exalted in my person.   Thank You Father, in Jesus’ name! Hallelujah! Amen.”  


One of my coworkers came in telling me about his decision to have weightloss surgery.  He bragged on how great everyone was at Weightwise so I started checking out the website.  I then saw the pictures of Jennifer on the site.  I had known her for quite a few years and couldn’t believe the success she was seeing.  I discussed it with my wife and we decided to go to a seminar and couldn’t be more pleased with everyone we met that day.  

This process is exactly what YOU make it.  Your success or failure is completely in your hands.  If you will treat this as the tool it is meant to be, you will have lots of success and it will almost seem easy.  If you treat the surgery as the fixall and that you won’t have to make any changes to your lifestyle then it is never going to work.  Listen to the people who are there to help you at Weightwise.  They are amazing and have so much great understanding and knowledge.  When they tell you to do something, there is a reason.  They aren’t doing it just to hear themselves talk.  They really do care about your success and health. 

We would love to hear about your journey too!! If anyone would like to share their story, please send it to lauren.a@weightwise.com. 


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