
Your Weight Loss Goals Just Got a Step Closer


As an educator or state employee in Oklahoma with HealthChoice medical insurance, you have great benefits for weight loss surgery.  Here is some further information about the program.

Learn about Mike’s incredible story about how Gastric Bypass Surgery transformed his life.

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Who qualifies for surgery?

Anyone who has primary medical coverage through HealthChoice is eligible for benefits.  This includes spouses, dependent and others as well as the named insured.  To qualify for surgery, the potential patient must have a BMI greater than 40 or a BMI greater than 35 with two co-morbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea or others.  They must also have had HealthChoice coverage for at least one year prior to the initial consultation.

How much does it cost?

Like with other insurances, the main factor in determining the total cost for WeightWise with HealthChoice is the patients’ specific remaining out-of-pocket max and deductible.  There will be a few expenses leading up to surgery as well including cardiac clearance, lab work, and possibly other testing.  There will also be separate charges from the hospital (up to your out-of-pocket max) and a $399 post-op visit fee.  Your patient advocate will be able to help you navigate the insurance process.

How Long Does the Process Take?

The first step is to sign-up for and attend an informational seminar.  That can be done either in-person or online.  After that, an initial consult will be scheduled with the surgeon to review your medical history and determine what clearances need to take place before surgery.  The process for those with HealthChoice coverage generally takes around 100 days.

Get Started Now!
Click below to attend the online informational seminar:

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