
Weight Loss Success Story Billie Moore

Describe your life before you had Weight Loss Surgery.

“I wasn’t able to walk but a few steps without being in severe pain and short of breath with chest pain. I wasn’t able to play with my grandkids or even pick them up. I had high blood pressure, diabetes, severe arthritis over my entire body, I was sick all the time from one illness or another.”

How long were you considering Weight Loss Surgery before you came in?

About 1 year. I wasn’t sure if it was right for me because I didn’t feel like I was big enough to deserve the surgery. I felt there are other people out there that needed it more than me. I finally came to the conclusion I need to be around for my grandkids for a long time so I deserved that surgery as much as the next person. So I went for it.

What was it like to work with our team?

The entire team has been amazing. The support they give is extremely essential to the success of the surgery. They help get you prepared by putting you in the mindset that your life is changing for good and for the better.

Describe your life now, after Weight Loss Surgery.

Playing with my grandkids is the best feeling in the world and knowing that I can be around a lot longer for them because I’m a lot healthier, no longer diabetic or hypertensive.

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