
Weight Loss Success Story Emili Daffern

Describe your life before you had Weight Loss Surgery.

“It literally stopped me from living my life. I hated the body I was in. The thought of going out and being around others was so frustrating and saddening I became a home body. I couldn’t wear regular clothes because they hurt my body. All I could wear were sweats or scrubs. It was exhausting just to get in and out of the tub. I had skin problems, high blood pressure, depression and heart palpitations. I never wanted to leave the house and when I did I was always in a horrible mood, so much so that my family didn’t enjoy being around me anymore.”

How long were you considering Weight Loss Surgery before you came in?

“I had look into weight loss surgery for a long time but never thought it would be obtainable for me due to the price. So when I got a job where the insurance covered it I knew I was going to be going through with it.”

What was it like to work with our team?

“The team was fantastic! From the nurses to the doctors to the dietitian the whole experience was great. I’m so happy with my choice and would not have chosen a different facility to have gone through.”

Describe your life now, after Weight Loss Surgery.

“I’m always up for anything. I don’t like to spend my days inside doing nothing. All my days are filled with fun, happiness and I rarely feel unhappy. It has given me my life back.”

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