
Weight Loss Success Story Melanie Mayhall

Describe your life before you had Weight Loss Surgery.

“I was having increased blood pressure, sleep apnea, achy joints and generally tired all the time. I would lose 25 lbs and gain back 30. I was missing out on life!”

How long were you considering Weight Loss Surgery before you came in?

“I didn’t ever think surgery would be for me. I had a business acquaintance who had dropped a lot of weight. When I told her I didn’t know what she had done but she looked amazing, she told me she had gastric sleeve 6 months ago. Initially I put it in the back of my mind but about 3 months later I started researching. I was going to be a Great Aunt and I wanted to be great at it! I needed to have energy and be able to get on the oor to play (and be able to get back up!) Dr Walton was familiar to me from his time in Enid. I talked to more people who had it done and decided for my health and well being this was the way to go.”

What was it like to work with our team?

“The team has been wonderful. No question is to stupid and everyone is encouraging. The day I met my pre-surgery weight goal and scheduled surgery everyone and I mean EVERYONE in the clinic congratulated me and wished me well.
The pandemic has sadly prevented me from in person visits since my surgery. The world literally shut down the day of my 2 week post op visit.”

Describe your life now, after Weight Loss Surgery:

“I can go for walks with my husband and not have to stop part way through. A couple of miles is no big deal. I can play with and chase my great nephew for hours instead of minutes. My blood pressure is within normal range and I don’t have painful joints.”

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