
Bariatric surgery is the best way to lose large amounts of excess body weight–and keep it off–when coupled with a healthy diet and regular physical activity. And while there are millions of people who can benefit from a bariatric procedure, some of them aren’t good candidates for a variety of reasons. So what can disqualify you from bariatric surgery?

The reasons can be physical, emotional, or a combination of the two. Laparoscopic bariatric surgery has never been safer, and WeightWise surgeons have a very high success rate. Our patients are usually able to go home the next day and resume day-to-day activities in a day or two. That’s because we’re one of the top Bariatric centers in Oklahoma, but it’s also because we carefully screen potential clients.

This is because we want to give you the best possible outcome. In some cases, you may not meet weight requirements so non-surgical options are a better fit. In other cases, your overall health will make it difficult to reach your weight-loss goals. Bariatric surgery is not a decision to be made lightly and we want to make sure it’s the best decision for you.

How can I be disqualified from weight loss surgery?

Just being overweight isn’t enough to make you a viable candidate for bariatric surgery. There are a combination of factors that can disqualify you that must be considered:

  • Medical Conditions
  • Body Mass Index
  • Expectations
  • Emotional State
  • Age Restrictions

It’s important to note that having one or more of these issues doesn’t automatically disqualify you from weight loss surgery, and many of these factors can be addressed. That’s why every WeightWise patient is required to go through a thorough assessment from our bariatric surgeons before we get anyone on the schedule.

Medical Conditions

There are some medical reasons that may disqualify you from certain weight-loss surgeries. If you have serious health issues like heart disease, uncontrolled diabetes, or even untreated sleep apnea or lung issues, surgery might not be possible. Also, if you have liver problems or other major health issues, doctors might want to address those before considering surgery.

It’s important to get a full check-up and talk to your surgeon or medical professional about all of this. We can help you understand if surgery is a safe option for you and what steps you might need to take before considering it. Discussing your medical history is an important step to qualifying for bariatric surgery due to the increased risk of complications during and after the procedure.

Body Mass Index (BMI)

If your BMI is too low, meaning you’re not considered significantly overweight, you might not qualify for the procedure. Bariatric surgery is typically reserved for individuals with a BMI of 30-35 who also have obesity-related health issues, such as diabetes, or a BMI of 40 or higher without such health issues.

On the other hand, if your BMI is too high, the surgery might also be riskier. Extremely high BMI levels can increase the chances of complications during and after surgery. It’s important for your BMI to be within a certain range to ensure the surgery can be performed safely and effectively. If your BMI doesn’t fall within the appropriate range, your doctor may recommend other weight loss strategies or lifestyle changes before you undergo bariatric surgery.

Unrealistic Expectations

It’s important to have a clear understanding of what bariatric surgery can and cannot achieve. Some people might expect surgery to be a quick fix for all their weight-related issues, but that’s not always the case. Weight-loss surgery requires significant lifestyle changes, including dietary modifications and regular physical activity, to achieve and maintain weight loss.

If someone enters the process with unrealistic expectations and isn’t prepared to make these long-term changes, they may not be considered a suitable candidate for surgery. While it can be an effective tool for weight loss and improving obesity-related health conditions, it’s not a cure-all by itself–it’s just one piece of the puzzle.
Emotional State
Your emotional and psychological well-being are important considerations when determining eligibility for bariatric surgery. The process of undergoing weight loss surgery can be emotionally draining, and it’s essential to be in the right frame of mind. You will undergo psychological evaluations to test your readiness for such a life-changing procedure.

It’s crucial for candidates to have realistic expectations about the mental aspects of weight-loss surgery. This includes understanding the ongoing commitment to lifestyle changes and even having a support system in place. At WeightWise, every client has a patient advocate that can be a shoulder to cry on, someone to high five, and a reservoir of information for all of their questions.

Age Restrictions

Age is a factor that many healthcare providers take into consideration when evaluating eligibility for bariatric surgery, but it’s not necessarily a disqualifying factor on its own. Instead, WeightWise will assess overall health status and potential surgical risks associated with age.

While age alone may not disqualify someone from bariatric surgery, older adults may face additional considerations. Advanced age can be associated with an increased risk of complications during and after surgery. Older adults may also have other medical conditions that need careful management before undergoing surgery.

It’s important to discuss your concerns and eligibility for bariatric surgery with a WeightWise bariatric surgeon so they can assess your individual situation and provide personalized guidance. They can also discuss alternative weight loss options if bariatric surgery is not suitable for you at this time.

As we said at the start, any one or two of these factors on their own may not be enough to disqualify you for surgery. And while you may not be a viable candidate for a gastric bypass, a gastric sleeve may still be possible. It all depends on your physical shape, emotional state, and the bariatric procedure that best fits your needs.

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