
Weight Loss Surgery Recipes

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When it comes to losing weight, gastric sleeve, duodenal switch, gastric bypass, and other bariatric surgeries are just one part of the puzzle. Together with increased physical activity and an improved diet, we feel bariatric surgery gives our patients the best opportunity to lose up to 80 percent of their excess weight.

Eating After Weight Loss Surgery

It isn’t easy at the start of post-op. Where you may have eaten whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted, and as much as you wanted, you will now need to follow a strict diet. During the first two weeks, you will be limited to an all-liquid diet. We recommend at least 96 ounces of liquid a day, including water, sports drinks, and other sugar-free liquid.

With water, you can include a lemon slice or two for flavor, or by adding protein supplements. Staying hydrated and giving your body enough protein is very important during the first two weeks. After two weeks, vitamin and mineral supplements are added to your food intake, as well as high protein soft foods.

About every two weeks for the first few months, more and more bariatric friendly options become available to you. By this time, however, your body has adapted to the smaller intake of food. During the first week, changes to your hormones will allow you to feel fuller faster and the hunger pangs will have lessened greatly.

Reaching Your Target Weight

Right around nine months to a year, you will be approaching your target established during your initial consultation with us. At this point, you’ll be ready to move on to weightlifting as an added dimension to your workout routine. What you’ll be able to eat will also increase.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you can start eating everything in sight – or as much as you want. There are still healthy eating guidelines and meal plans you need to follow. Avoiding sweets or foods that are too fatty or fried for example. At first, you may think that finding anything good to eat will be terribly difficult.

That’s why we’ve included hundreds of recipes on our website. From lasagne-stuffed peppers to chicken sausage stir fry to taco slaw, you’ll find our single-serving size recipes both delicious and satisfying. It’s important to understand that your diet doesn’t have to consist of just low fat cottage cheese and broccoli.

But remember – just because something is healthy doesn’t mean you can eat all you want. A gastric bypass diet, or any weight-loss diet, is centered around the fact that your stomach is now much smaller than it was before. At this point, your body has adapted to the smaller portions.

All you have to do is take a seat and enjoy wonderful food. Click here to start getting ideas!

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