
My last blog post was geared more towards our pre-op patients or post-op that are not quite ready to begin weight/ resistance training…. BUT I promise I didn’t forget about all you post-opers out there that are ready for more than just cardio!!

Even after surgery, during this chaotic COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to remember your goals.

Here are some options to help keep you on track even if you are not able to leave your house.

If you live in a rural area (or far enough away from large crowds to where you are comfortable), try to walk outside (if weather and physical ability are permitting) for 30 minutes to escape from the chaos of what is going on around us.

If going outside to walk is not an option, I am going to link some YouTube exercise videos that are good alternatives to help keep you on track. These will include weights, body-weights, and resistance bands. 


  • HASfit
    • Type “HASfit weight training for beginners” in the search bar. 
      • Obviously, if you are not a beginner, you can leave that part out. BUT be sure to not over exert yourself. You are still taking in a lower amount of calories and your body needs time to get used to the “new” way it will distribute energy.
    • These videos range from resistance bands, free weights, or body weights.
    • Pick what muscle groups you are wanting to work and enjoy!


  • POPSUGAR fitness
    • Type “POPSUGAR fitness” in the search bar.
      • Obviously, if you are not a beginner, you can leave that part out. BUT be sure to not over exert yourself. You are still taking in a lower amount of calories and your body needs time to get used to the “new” way it will distribute energy.
    • These also range from resistance bands, free weights, and body weights.


    • Type “ ACHV PEAK” in the search bar.
    • These are all resistance band workouts.
    • He is very informative and gives amazing explanations on proper form and why resistance training is so important.


  • Body Project
    • Type “body project body weight exercises” in the search bar.
    • These videos vary from beginner to expert. 

**Don’t forget to stretch**


Same as with any gym session, KEEP THE WEIGHTS LIGHT to begin with. Once the exercise takes little effort, then you may increase the weight.
Remember this is not a race, we are not trying to build pounds and pounds of muscle over night. This process will take time AND that is OKAY!!!
Give yourself a little Grace in this stressful time. You are not in this alone!!!
Please let me know if there are any questions or concerns. With the chaos that is going on in the world around us, make sure you are still taking care of yourself and still staying on track for your goals.


Stay safe and healthy!!



Exercise Physiologist



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