
My best friend is getting married next weekend and of course we are all trying to get in terrific shape for this wonderful event. So many of my friends have been watching what they are eating and exercising regularly. My friend Beth called me up really wanting a dr. pepper. I told her any time she began to feel weak I wanted her to call me so that maybe I would have a chance to talk her out of whatever she was thinking about having. We discussed how much exercise she would have to do in order to burn off that one can of dr. pepper. It would take her 45 minutes of walking at a moderate pace to burn off a can of dr pepper. Now in my opinion I would rather workout to get healthier and to get more fit rather than have to jump on a treadmill to burn the bad meal I just had off. Healthy living does come with some sacrifice but in the long run it will be totally worth it. So the next time you reach for something you know has no nutritional value think if this is really worth it? My golden rule is if you have to think about it it’s probably not worth it! Exercise should not be an eraser for the bad things we eat. It should be a tool to keep us healthier and physically fit.

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