
This blog was written by Steph Wagner MS, RD/LD. Steph can be contacted at Stephanie.m@weightwise.com

Today is April 22nd – which means a necessary “Happy Earth Day!” is in order. (Go ahead and update your Facebook status now…)

We have mentioned that WeightWise is looking toward expanding the avenues in which we are GREEN. Read here for more information about changes we are making in the clinic.

In honor of Earth Day we are promoting the use of re-usable shopping bags. Just yesterday at Target, my cashier had to stop checking someone out and refill her stack of plastic bags. I mentioned “you know you’re busy when you have to restock your bags!” to which she replied “you would be amazed how many bags I go through.” I thought to myself I don’t want to know!

Many stores will provide a credit when you utilize a re-usable shopping bag. Generally it’s about 5-10 cents off. Not much but it’s great they have the incentive.

In order to further promote use of re-usable bags, WeightWise is offering a NEW promotion on our cute tote bags.

From today (April 22nd) until Friday (April 26th) receive a FREE WeightWise tote bag for every purchase over $99. THEN receive 50 cents off any WeightWise store order when using your tote bag. Order online at www.estore.weightwise.com!

While using my tote bag at Aldi yesterday, I realized from a health and wellness standpoint  two great advantages:

1. I couldn’t buy items not on my grocery list. I didn’t have any room to stray from my plan.

2. It was great for some weight training. My arms were getting a great workout the further I got into my shopping trip!

Thank you for joining us in the movement to become more conscious of ways to cut down on waste and protect our environment. Happy Earth Day!



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