
We all sit down at some point during our day or week and watch television. Whether it’s DVR’d, Hulu, Netflix, or just regular cable. We all do it. Do you ever think, “Man, I should be doing something rather than just laying on the couch?”  After some days, I’ll be real honest, no I don’t ever think that! But there are days that I’m just simply choosing not to workout. You know my saying, ” There are NO excuses, Just Choices” You choose to do what is important to you. Now I’m not saying we all don’t  need a day or two to just relax but we could enjoy our television time and also get up during commercials. An hour-long television show is actually 40 minutes long and 20 is commercials! So we could easily get in 20 minutes! Here are some ideas on how we can get some relaxing in but also get those steps in!

Here are some examples,

1st break: 10 Jumping jacks and 5 push-ups, repeat until show comes back on

2nd break: 6 Standing alternating lunges and 10 crunches, repeat

3rd break: Take a lap inside the house

4th break: Standing squats and high knees

Stretch it out!

Or if you have a treadmill, elliptical, bike, stair climber, whatever you have use it during the breaks! 🙂 Or I have seen a lot of people with tablets or phones streaming it and watching while they work out at the gym! I have done that myself, don’t mind if I do get a little “New Girl” in. The time seemed to pass much quicker!

March in place, chase the dog, vacuum, mop, walk up and down the stairs, grab your hand weights etc anything that is continuous movement is good movement! 🙂

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