

I don’t know about you all but I have really been suffering from the winter blues. It is to cold to go outside and if I go straight home the chances of me getting back out to the gym is unlikely.  However back in October I purchased a little fur ball which has now taken up a ton of my time. I just realized that I have been using her as an excuse not to exercise. I feel guilty if I am not home playing with her when I would normally be at the gym. I’m sure many of you have these exact same feelings when it comes to your family. You want to spend as much time with them as you can and a lot of the time we put exercise aside and think we’ll start a program eventually. Well eventually might turn into the summer, then fall, then winter and then we have wasted another year. So let’s change this pattern now.

Claire is my new puppy. She is an Australian shepherd and she is SUPER busy ALL THE TIME. So for me I had to start thinking about things I could do at home so I would be with her. We go for walks/runs at night. Yes it is dark, but her leash has reflectors on it, as does my coat. I just bundle up and go, I haven’t been cold at all once I started walking. So we recommend at least 4 days a week of 30 minutes of activity. If you have a dog, take them on a walk, you will get benefits from it and your pet may really like it too.

Now for those of you with small children or no pets, you might look into some active games to play with your kids or do at home. Wii and x-box are a big seller right now. These games can give you a workout and it’s fun for the entire family. You can always get dvd’s, such as Walking away the pounds, zumba etc. These are great things to have and you may really enjoy it. I’ve noticed since I started getting back in the swing of exercise, my sleep has improved, my mood has gotten better and I’m seeing differences already, which makes me want to keep exercising. So try and branch out and start an exercise program today!!


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