
Are you struggling with indecision about having a weight loss surgery? There are so many factors that contribute to that decision and being informed about each surgery is vitally important. This article published by Fox News provides some great insight for long term benefits from the Gastric Bypass surgery. Read more about the article below.



In a small long-term study, obese patients who had gastric bypass surgery were half as likely to die as those who didn’t have the surgery, researchers found.

They saw little difference in death rates for the first two to three years, but 10 years after gastric bypass surgery, even diabetic patients had significantly better survival if they had the surgery.

“There’s really limited long-term follow-up data, especially comparing bariatric surgery to no surgery or the usual medical care,” Dr. Peter Hallowell, the study’s senior author, told Reuters Health.

“We’re hoping to fill that void with a study like this,” said Hallowell, a surgeon with the University of Virginia Health System in Charlottesville.

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