
Let’s chat about the post-bariatric surgery diet. What foods will one be able to eat? What foods must one definitely avoid? Is there any truth to the “everything in moderation” rule when it comes to a post-bariatric diet?

Taking that last question first, the answer is a resounding no! As we’ll see, there are foods that one must absolutely avoid after weight-loss surgery. There is no wisdom in the age-old adage about moderation when it comes to the post-bariatric surgery diet.

For example, you’ll want to avoid starches and carbonated beverages — even in moderation!

Always listen to your doctors, nurse practitioners, and dietitians and follow their recommendations to the letter. This will help ensure a better recovery and a solid foundation as you begin your transition into a healthier you!

Diet for Post-Bariatric Surgery Patients

Now let’s get to the heart of the matter. When it comes to a post-bariatrics surgery diet, what foods can we eat? And perhaps more importantly, what foods can’t be eaten after bariatric surgery?

It may sound odd since most diets push lots of veggies onto one’s plate, but a post-bariatric surgery diet filled with vegetables isn’t really the focus for our patients. Not in the immediate days after surgery, anyway.

Instead, we encourage patients to eat lots of healthy proteins and to take one of our bariatric multivitamins. To assist our patients with getting good proteins into the mix, we have lots of recipes for protein-rich meals that include beef, turkey, seafood, and chicken.

If you are considering bariatric surgery, chances are, you have done some research on what it involves. A strict diet change is one of the biggest adjustments weight loss surgery patients have to make. While the modifications may take some time to adapt to, it is well worth it. That’s because you will feel better, and you will start seeing weight loss results.

We think that’s worth celebrating. Following the diet guidelines outlined by your dietitian is important. It will give your body – and your stomach – a chance to heal. It will also help you get used to eating smaller amounts, so you can more easily digest your food, and enjoy a healthier diet.

In addition, it will help you avoid complications and other negative side effects from the surgery and help put you on the path toward weight loss. Here are some foods that you will need to avoid right after bariatric surgery and eat in moderation afterward to maintain a healthy weight.

  • Empty calorie foods (candy and other sweets, popcorn, chips)
  • Alcohol (avoid for at least six months after surgery)
  • Caffeinated (avoid for a month after surgery)
  • Sugary drinks
  • Pasta, bread, rice, and many other starches
  • Corn, peas, potatoes, winter squash

Instead of these foods, choose foods and drinks that are low in fat and sugar content, and eat a variety of lean, protein-rich foods every day. Eat and drink slowly, chewing your food — even soft foods — thoroughly. This helps your body break down the food more easily.

Post-Bariatric Surgery: Fluids

It’s also important to drink at least 96 ounces of fluid a day so you stay hydrated. In fact, for the first two weeks post-surgery, you will be required to follow a liquid diet. Yes, we know it’s a lot of water, especially if you aren’t used to drinking that much in a week! But it will help make sure you avoid dehydration.

We recommend having your water with you at all times, sipping throughout the day. You won’t be able to gulp down water to “catch up” at the end of the day, either. Remember, bariatric surgery patients have much smaller stomachs and won’t be able to handle too much of anything at one time.

We also recommend sipping liquids in between your meals, not with them. Ideally, wait about 60 minutes after your meal to drink anything. You need to give your stomach a chance to digest the food you just ate, even if they were small meals. Even small portions will fill you up faster than before.

Also, make sure you take your protein supplements daily for the first two weeks or as directed by your dietitian. It’s crucial to get adequate grams of protein.

Vitamins and minerals will start two weeks later along with soft proteins. In the weeks and months following, solid foods will be introduced, although you’ll still be avoiding foods high in sugar and fat.

Post-Bariatric Surgery Diet: It Gets Easier

It sounds tough, we know. And it isn’t going to be easy. But during those first two weeks after the gastric sleeve, duodenal switch, or gastric bypass, diet plans must be followed.

Soon after surgery, your body will start adapting. Hormonal changes will allow you to feel full faster and the hunger pangs will lessen.

And then after that, you won’t need to rely on soft proteins and protein supplements.

Our dietitians will provide a meal plan and you’ll eat foods that help feed your body, not just your taste buds. And don’t worry; you won’t be stuck eating cottage cheese for the rest of your life. WeightWise has hundreds of recipes for you to look through, featuring some of your favorite fruits (which you can consume after about 1 year post-op), vegetables, and lean meats.

We also have lots of yummy protein shakes that you can consume once your doctor approves it. We are here to help you for the long term, and there are fixes to most problems that may crop up (for example, dumping syndrome).

Remember, gastric bypass surgery or any of our other procedures is not to be taken lightly. Some weight-loss surgeries reroute a portion of the small intestines. Others make the stomach smaller through a variety of proven methods.

WeightWise is Here for You

For a better understanding of our program and what makes it so successful, watch our free online seminar. We feel combining bariatric surgery, a healthy diet plan, and regular physical activity gives you the best chance at success. When you’re ready to learn more, we’ll be here for you.

We think you’ll find that WeightWise differs from other weight-loss surgery providers. For one thing, we take a holistic approach to weight loss. Weight-loss surgery is just one of the initial steps toward a lifetime of wellness and wellbeing. We focus just as much on the pre-op and post-op wellbeing of our patients.

In other words, our approach is not “one-size-fits-all” and never has been. We provide ongoing solutions to maintaining weight loss in addition to our expert work as bariatric surgeons.

We take multiple factors into account, such as risk assessment and mitigation, and we emphasize education as it relates to both pre-op and post-op behaviors.

We also provide nonsurgical solutions for weight loss if we determine that this is the best course of action for a particular patient.

Our team at WeightWise loves helping people lose weight and feel great. Contact us today to see if you are a candidate for bariatric surgery. We’ll look at your history, your family history, and any medical conditions that might affect the procedure. We don’t want anything standing in your way.

We’re here when you need us. Please get in touch with WeightWise today. The sooner you start, the closer you’ll be to getting back on track toward a lifetime of health, wellness, and wellbeing.

We look forward to speaking with you.

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