
More abdominal weight increases the risk of heart disease regardless of BMI (body mass index). We mention this because excess abdominal weight is quite common. And unfortunately, there are strong correlations between abdominal fat and heart disease.

In fact, research from the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology revealed that too much belly fat could be linked to multiple heart attacks.

The midsection is one of the most common places for fat to accumulate. This area is also home to many vital organs, including the heart. Being overweight or obese threatens heart health and is one of the higher risk factors for heart attacks and strokes.

Consult With Your Doctor

If you are concerned about how much fat you have in your abdominal area, your doctor can do a measurement that will indicate if you have an elevated risk of developing heart disease. Then you can determine what things you can do to help lose that weight and minimize your risk for stroke, high blood pressure, and other things that can harm your health and threaten your wellbeing.

Sometimes, it does not matter what you do; the weight is just difficult to get rid of. Even an increase in physical activity can sometimes have little effect on waist circumference, waist to hip ratio, abdominal obesity, or the reduction in visceral fat.

Have you been unsuccessful in your attempts to lose weight? Bariatric surgery could be the right answer for you. This can help you shed pounds, and the medical advice that follows can help you maintain a healthy weight while reducing the risk of heart attacks and cardiovascular disease. Risk can also be diminished by adhering to guidelines set forth by the American Heart Association and other organizations. These can help you live a full, active lifestyle.

Losing Weight

Losing weight will also strengthen your immune system, bolster your metabolism, and increase your energy level and confidence.

At WeightWise, we understand how important it is for you to lose weight. There are a variety of bariatric surgery options that have helped thousands of patients lose weight and keep it off.

Are you considering weight loss surgery but aren’t sure if you are a candidate? Make an appointment with our experienced team today. We will go over your medical history, talk about your weight loss goals, and determine if bariatric surgery is an option for you.

We look forward to talking to you and helping you come up with a weight loss plan that works for you!

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