New Year – New Mindset

New Year – New Mindset

Let’s talk New Year resolutions. Everyone is familiar with them. Empty promises we make to ourselves that end up being forgotten about after the craziness of the New Year begins to settles down. We tend to fall back into the same ol’ routines we had the year before...
Importance of stretching

Importance of stretching

Let’s be honest, stretching generally takes a seat on the back-burner when it comes to exercise, but, what if I told you stretching is just as beneficial and just as important as a daily exercise routine? Yes, you read that correctly. There are many proven benefits to...
Cold weather exercises

Cold weather exercises

It’s that time of year y’all… When it gets dark at 5pm and that wind chill is in the teens. It can be difficult to find the motivation to get out and get moving. Here are some fun exercise videos to help keep you going even on the coldest winter...
Exercise and Thanksgiving break

Exercise and Thanksgiving break

Thanksgiving break can be the start to a very busy and stressful season! Remember not to let your exercise routine slip. Keep in mind that your own personal well-being is also important. After the big celebration, try to go on a walk to get some fresh air (and to keep...

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