Patient Spotlight: Jeremy

Patient Spotlight: Jeremy

Our patient spotlight is on Jeremy this month. His story is one that will make you realize how life changing a weight loss journey really is. That the physical weight loss pales in comparison to the memories and activities you gain. Jeremy, we are so happy to have...
Patient Spotlight: Brian

Patient Spotlight: Brian

Our Patient Spotlight this month is Brian. I cannot tell you how wonderful it was to read Brian’s story for the first time. From his motivation and support from his wife and his faith to being able to wear his late father’s jacket for the first time is the...
Patient Spotlight: Jennifer

Patient Spotlight: Jennifer

Success stories always make me cry. The three-legged dog at the shelter who finds a home. The underdog coming back to win the championship game. The kid who gets a scholarship for a college they couldn’t afford. And your stories. Tears. Lots and lots of tears. I...
Patient Spotlight: Laura

Patient Spotlight: Laura

Laura’s journey starts a thousand miles away. Literally. Laura came to us all the way from Chicago, IL to make a change. She came to Oklahoma with a boat load of motivation and left us with a ton of confidence and 100 pounds lighter.  Whatever barriers you...
Patient Spotlight: John

Patient Spotlight: John

Our patient spotlight stories are meant to do a few things. I want to share the life stories of a few people who have been working closely with us for a long while. I want them to tell you why they wanted to change, what they have accomplished, and how they did it....
Patient Spotlight: Rachel

Patient Spotlight: Rachel

Motivation- the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.  If there was a picture in the dictionary next to this definition, I think it would be of Rachel. That is why I am so glad she wants to share her story in our patient spotlight...

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