
Hey WeightWise-ers!

I know it can be confusing to navigate all of the information we give you during your visits here. Papers get lost. Notes get thrown away. It happens all the time. So to help with that, here are some important documents that will always be posted here on the blog for your reference.

These are the product menus for our online and in-house store. If you are not familiar with our store, then go to our online store. You can order any of the protein supplements (liquid drinks or bars) and vitamins from there. We will ship the products to you within 1-2 business days. Here are the menus….

Protein Bar/Snack Product Guide

Protein Shake/Liquid Product Guide

Vitamin and Mineral Product Guide

If you have any questions about our products or how to use them, just contact your dietitian!

Chris Corcoran- chris.c@weightwise.com

Lauren Armstrong- lauren.a@weightwise.com

Rachelle Laws- rachelle.l@weightwise.com

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