Diary of a REBOOT: Week 1

Diary of a REBOOT: Week 1

You remember Amy and Mat, right? You first read about them last week—- they decided to get back on track with their diet BEFORE the holidays hit. We are now reading about their progress through the reboot diet with WeightWise. They each kept a journal of...

Diary of a REBOOT: Getting Ready

It is not uncommon to get off track after a weight loss surgery. No one is perfect, right? But a weight regain after surgery can send the best of us into a tailspin of fear, doubt, and anxiety. The important thing to remember during this time is that YOU ARE NOT...
Patient Spotlight: Rick

Patient Spotlight: Rick

 It’s another new year at WeightWise. Can you believe WeightWise is now 10 years old?! In the past year alone, our patients have lost just over 91,000 pounds— that’s you guys!   91,000 pounds in one year!  That is an amazing number....
Diary of a REBOOT

Diary of a REBOOT

2016 is here. A new year bringing in new opportunities! Now that you are setting those New Year’s resolutions, do you need to get your weight loss back on track? Did you know that WeightWise offers a REBOOT program? Want to know more? Stay tuned for the new...
Healthy Holiday Series

Healthy Holiday Series

It is upon us. Thanksgiving has come and gone. Christmas music is in full swing. Santa Claus and snowmen decorations are bountiful. And people knock each other over for the last Tickle Me Elmo (that’s still a cool toy, right?).  You have spent the last 5...

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