
how to workout in 10 minutes a dayYou’ve heard it before: exercise is a must after weight loss surgeryBut how can you find the time to workout for 30 minutes every day?

In the grand scheme of things, half an hour isn’t long. But when you tack that onto the end of a day, it can seem like a monumental effort. The flip side may be just as challenging: managing to get up early to exercise. 

At WeightWise, 30 minutes of daily exercise is one of our pillars of successful weight loss. Does the activity have to be all at once? No, even short workouts of 10 minutes are helpful.

Working out helps with weight loss, but just as important are the other health benefits it provides. Exercise regulates blood sugar, decreases high blood pressure and improves arthritis. The list goes on.

How to Workout in 10 Minutes a Day

If you haven’t been a regular exerciser, you might be surprised to learn how a few minutes of activity can raise your mood and promote better health.

Recent studies have focused on the health benefits of very short, intense exercise bouts. But, if you’re new to working out, focus on consistency. Don’t worry about intensity. Hard workouts have their place, but some people find them unpleasant. You can get hurt if you don’t work up to them slowly.

If you can fit three 10-minute bouts of exercise into your day, you’ve met your minimum goal. You might find that several activity breaks interspersed through the day improves your energy level. Who knows? You might discover that you have the strength and motivation to add a workout later on.

Walking just might be the best form of exercise. You can do it nearly anywhere, with nothing more than comfortable clothing and shoes. You can do this workout whether you stay at home or work outside the home.

Step outside for a 10-minute walk. Try an out-and-back route, one where you walk out for 5 minutes, turn and return to the start. Break up your workday by doing laps around your building or block. Walk up a flight of stairs.

Keep Moving

Some studies have suggested that fidgeting can improve mood, blood flow and even burn hundreds of calories each day. Try wiggling, tapping, fidgeting your legs, standing up frequently and stretching often. While it may not seem like working out, simple easy movements can relieve the stiffness that accompanies inactivity.

Contact WeightWise to learn more about our comprehensive weight loss programs, including exercise and dietary counseling, weight loss surgery, medical evaluation and more. Attend a free informational seminar to learn if weight loss surgery is right for you.

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