Can weight loss surgery lead to better relationships? The physical benefits of shedding extra pounds are well known. By losing weight, you can improve blood pressure, lower the risk of diabetes and have healthier cholesterol levels. There are many more positives to losing excess weight.
The effect of weight loss on personal relationships is less clear. Friends, family and romantic partners may find it difficult to relate after someone close to them loses a significant amount of weight. People who have lost weight may struggle to adjust to their new physique and self-image. Often, however, the improved health and confidence resulting from weight loss leads to better relationships.
Improved Communication, Intimacy
Romantic relationships may improve after weight loss according to a 2013 study by researchers at North Carolina State University and the University of Texas at Austin. The study found that when partners communicated openly about weight loss and lifestyle changes, they reported improved emotional and physical intimacy. Weight loss surgery can be a catalyst for couples to talk about their health and relationship, and losing excess weight sometimes improves sexual function for both men and women.
More Active Social Life
Gastric bypass, lap band or gastric sleeve surgery and their subsequent changes in health lead many people to a more lively social life. Excess weight often keeps people from activities they enjoy. When you lose the extra pounds, it’s easier to join an exercise class, climb bleachers to watch your children’s sports team or go dancing. Before weight loss surgery, many types of physical activity may feel uncomfortable, causing breathlessness, aching joints and fatigue. When lack of mobility is no longer an issue, you can enjoy a variety of activities with your friends and family.
Increased Confidence, Self-Esteem
Losing weight can change the way people feel about themselves. It may be difficult to feel gregarious when your self-esteem is low. After losing weight, the improvements in mood, physical well-being and confidence can potentially improve almost any type of interaction. For instance, feeling more confident at work may change how others perceive you. When you feel sure of yourself, you can better showcase your successes and abilities. By contrast, low self-esteem may lead to downplaying your talents.
Weight loss surgery can affect dramatic changes. Beyond the physical transformation, patients will feel emotional and psychological shifts. Some patients may experience subtle changes in how they relate to others. Others will see major differences in their social lives. If you’re considering weight loss surgery and wondering how losing weight will change your relationships, learn more by attending one of our free informational seminars.