Grilled Bruschetta Chicken

Grilled Bruschetta Chicken

Here is another quick and easy weekday meal. You only need a few ingredients that you might already have! This recipe calls for a simple bruschetta that you could prep the night before or even a few hours ahead of time. This recipe is a great combination of flavors...
Bacon Stuffed Zucchini

Bacon Stuffed Zucchini

I love all things stuffed. Well, not all things, but zucchini? Yep, definitely love it stuffed. And stuffing things with bacon is something I will do way more often! My husband said (and I quote), “what other vegetables can you make taste like bacon?” So,...
Slow Cooker Lasagna

Slow Cooker Lasagna

Ever have one of those days? Yep, that was yesterday. I woke up early, put a lasagna in my slow cooker, and headed off to work…all day long I was so excited to come home to try this new meal. I walk in the door, go into the kitchen full of excitement, and then...
Cauliflower Tots

Cauliflower Tots

Who does not love a good tater tot? I know I sure do, however no one needs all those carbs!  Today, I bring you a new and improved tot so that I can eat the tots without worrying about the carbs… it is called the Cauliflower Tot. It’s crispy. It’s tasty. It’s diet...

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