Patient Spotlight: Jeremy

Patient Spotlight: Jeremy

Our patient spotlight is on Jeremy this month. His story is one that will make you realize how life changing a weight loss journey really is. That the physical weight loss pales in comparison to the memories and activities you gain. Jeremy, we are so happy to have...
Fluids 101

Fluids 101

We talk about hydration so much around here. Every person you meet in our clinic will ask you about your drinking habits. “How much are you drinking? When are you drinking? What are you drinking?” We are like the helicopter mom of fluids– we mean...
Savvy Shopping Series: Supermarkets

Savvy Shopping Series: Supermarkets

Have you ever felt out of place or overwhelmed in a grocery store? There are so many options, numerous brands, and tons of products all boasting to be the best on the market. In the last few weeks we have talked about how to shop in season and shop locally. Today...

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