Sauteed Green Beans

Sauteed Green Beans

Sauteed Green Beans. You might be thinking, “Is this the end to soggy green beans?!” Well, I’m here to tell you that soggy beans are a part of your past and sauteed green beans are the future. I won’t tell you that this is similar to a green...
Roasted Cornish Hen

Roasted Cornish Hen

Recipe creating can be intimidating. Especially if you have never had this particular food. That’s how I felt making roasted cornish hens. I have never had a cornish hen so my frame of reference for spices was nil. However, I must say, this recipe for roasted...
Roasted Curry Pumpkin

Roasted Curry Pumpkin

Fall is officially here!!! Football. Crisp Weather. Changing Colors. And most of all PUMPKINS! I love pumpkin anything, so naturally, the pie pumpkin is one of my favorite things to cook with this time of year. These tasty little things can be used for so much more...
Kielbasa Veggie Bake

Kielbasa Veggie Bake

Have you ever cooked dinner in the dark?? Neither had I….until last night. Now, I’m not sure how EVERY SINGLE light bulb in my kitchen went out at the same time, but they did! Maybe the fluorescent light tubes do that? Anyone out there an electrician? No?...
Bell Pepper Coleslaw

Bell Pepper Coleslaw

This recipe has been on my radar (by that, I mean Pinterest board) for a while now. Then, last week, a patient asked me how she could modify traditional coleslaw….I figured this was nature’s way of saying, “Get on the ball, Lauren!”. This...

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