
Peanut butter is one of the staples of the American way of life. We grew up eating PB&Js and gourmet restaurants even serve a dollop of peanut butter on their premium hamburgers. It makes celery bearable and even a few of us – we won’t say who – eat it right out of the jar.

So it might come as quite a shock to learn that peanut butter, and all of its protein-rich yumminess is a bit of a no-no when it comes to your diet after gastric sleeve surgery. In fact, in the weeks and months after bariatric surgery, a lot of what you eat will be different – both in what you can eat and the amount.

The Gastric Sleeve Diet

As with any weight-loss surgery post-op diet, your current eating habits will be discussed and what to expect after the surgery. It’s a proven fact: Bariatric surgery and changes to your diet and physical activity is the best way to lose weight and keep it off. And the new diet starts as soon as the surgery is over.

The first two weeks is limited to liquids and supplements to make sure you stay hydrated and get the nutrients you need. Stick to water and other appropriate drinks (Propel, Gatorade Zero, or Powerade Zero), and avoid caffeinated, carbonated, and sugar-laden beverages.

Protein drinks/protein shakes during the two-week post-op diet are any that have less than 7 grams of carbs. If patients use a powder, they just need to mix it with water. Avoid skim milk during this time or wait until your dietician gives you the go-ahead.

After two weeks, soft proteins will be introduced to your diet. By now, hormonal changes in your body have decreased hunger pangs as you get used to less food. Your stomach fills up much faster and your desire to eat as much as you once did will disappear.

Although peanut butter is soft, we are referring more to lean meats and other protein-rich foods like fish, greek yogurt, and eggs. But still: No peanut butter. While peanut butter is a very protein-rich food, many brands add sugar and oils to their product. Peanut butter is a healthy fat, which may irritate your stomach during the time.

Peanut butter also has a good amount of carbohydrates, which are forbidden in this time frame after surgery. It also tends to get paired with jams full of sugar and white bread. It is extremely important to pay attention to what you eat during this first month.

Dangers of Going Off The Diet
Through laparoscopic surgery, surgeons are able to make several small incisions to complete the procedure (as opposed to one big cut). This means the healing process is much faster and patients are able to return to normal daily activities. However, there is still healing to be done.

Putting too much stress on the sleeve by eating too soon or even drinking too much water at one sitting can cause discomfort, pain, and even injury to the sleeve. The stomach can only hold so much right now. Over-filling it will only do harm and will cause discomfort, nausea, and potential vomiting.

After that first month, as you’ve learned to eat the right amount of food, the kinds of solid food you can have will be expanded. Lean protein is still recommended, but non-starchy vegetables are also acceptable. You may even be able to have a tablespoon of peanut butter on occasion with a meal. But it’s best to get in touch with your dietitian to be sure.

Food and Physical Activity

Foods you can eat are also designed to help increase your exercise tolerance. After the first week of surgery, hopefully, you’ve started increasing the amount of exercise you get a day. We aren’t talking about bench pressing 200 pounds or sprinting around the track just yet

If you weren’t able to do that before, you won’t be able to do it now. But walks around the neighborhood, stretching, and other low-impact exercises will slowly build your body. Part of that progression includes eating the right types of food in the correct amounts.

After you’ve started eating solid foods, it’s a good time to start ramping up your exercise routine. Much like a dietitian helping you through your diet, an exercise physiologist will help plan your workout plan. Doing too much too soon will only make you sore and may even discourage you from sticking to the schedule.

At the one-year anniversary of the surgery, or when you’ve reached your target weight, weight training may be introduced. Even if you just want to have the flexibility or strength to play with your children – or grandchildren! – the combination of diet and exercise will get you there. In fact, this healthier lifestyle should be followed for years post-op.

The WeightWise Program

There are a lot of conflicting answers when it comes to having peanut butter as part of gastric sleeve surgery. How much or how little you can have, though, depends on your situation. That’s why the WeightWise program has been so successful. Where some outfits may provide you with surgery and give references for dietitians or exercise physiologists, WeightWise has all three facets of successful weight loss under one roof.

The reason we do this is that we are able to personalize each and every plan for our patients. From the initial consultation to the months after surgery, we’ll be with you all the way. Our website is packed with delicious recipes (even a few with peanut butter!) and our Patient Advocates are here to help answer any questions you may have.

Unhappy with your current levels of activity or the amount of extra weight you’ve gained? Have you ever asked yourself, “Is my health affecting the way I’m living my life?” WeighWise is here to help. Watch our free online seminar to see why our program is so successful and then schedule an appointment today.

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