Low Impact Workout for Obese Beginners

Low Impact Workout for Obese Beginners

Are you wanting to get back into shape, but your obesity is keeping you from doing all the exercises and physical activities you used to be able to do? While you may not be able to jog a few miles, ride your bike for hours, or pump iron like you used to, there is a...
What is a Lap Band Diet

What is a Lap Band Diet

While there are many bariatric and weight-loss surgeries, a gastric banding or lap band procedure is one of the few that are actually reversible. It’s also one of the least invasive surgeries available to those that meet certain criteria. But while it may differ in...
Best Vitamins for Bariatric Patients

Best Vitamins for Bariatric Patients

Bariatric or weight loss surgery is a life-changing decision for those that are obese or morbidly obese. Along with regular physical activity and an improved diet, bariatric procedures are proven to be the best way to lose large amounts of excess weight and keep it...
Dumping Syndrome Symptoms

Dumping Syndrome Symptoms

Bariatric procedures are the best way to lose large amounts of excessive weight and keep it off in the long term, along with regular exercise and a healthy diet. And when it comes to bariatric diets, how you eat is just as important as what you eat. Eating too much or...

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