
Patient Spotlight: Ariel

Our patient spotlight is for motivation. It is for inspiration. But mostly, it is for you. It is for you to look at where you are (or where you were) and know that there is a family here to support you. It doesn’t matter if you are 5 years postop from a...
Patient Spotlight: Kelly

Patient Spotlight: Kelly

More times than not, people think “weight loss” when they hear the words “bariatric surgery”. Less often though, people think of the health benefits that come with bariatric surgery. Some seek help from WeightWise in Oklahoma because of...
Thanksgiving Menu 2015

Thanksgiving Menu 2015

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! For those who host a holiday dinner, you probably have been planning your Thanksgiving Menu for a while now. If you have not been planning yet, don’t worry– I’m organized enough for the both of us! 😉 Hopefully you are reading...
Online Grocery Shopping

Online Grocery Shopping

Time is a valuable resource. Quite possibly the most valuable resource. You can’t make more of it and there never seems to be enough. Especially this time of year— school events, football, holidays are all time-suckers. When you think about your schedule,...

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