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What is the 30-30 Rule for Bariatric Surgery?

What is the 30-30 Rule for Bariatric Surgery?

If you’ve been researching weight loss or bariatric surgery, you’re probably learning there’s a lot of pre-op work that has to happen before getting a procedure. You can’t just walk in, get a gastric sleeve or bypass, and be home in time for dinner (so to speak). And...

Food Fatigued??

Some patients who have had gastric sleeve surgery feel tired after eating. What is this phenomenon? Is it something that should cause concern? What is happening for post-gastric sleeve patients who feel tired after eating? Truth is, some patients feel tired after...
Post-Bariatric Surgery Diet: What to Eat and What To Avoid

Post-Bariatric Surgery Diet: What to Eat and What To Avoid

Let’s chat about the post-bariatric surgery diet. What foods will one be able to eat? What foods must one definitely avoid? Is there any truth to the “everything in moderation” rule when it comes to a post-bariatric diet? Taking that last question first, the answer is...

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