Happy Holidays!

2021 has been almost as crazy of a year as 2020, but something to look forward to is relaxing with loved ones as the year is coming to end. This means that most people are in the midst of holiday celebrations. As everyone knows, food is a huge part of the holidays, but remember to not let it undo all the progress that has been accomplished thus far. Food can definitely be enjoyed while still following your diet guidelines. The key for staying on track is planning. This can help with accountability to also stay on track with your overall goals. Before the holiday celebrations take some time to think about your overall goals and all that you can do to stay on track. It is important to find a balance of goals that will help you stay on track and that also do not take away any fun from the holidays. Remember it is about balance and consistency, and also staying positive!

Try some new meal ideas, just minus all of the starches and sweets, and you never know, perhaps others might enjoy it, as well! It is also important to set boundaries with your goals. It can be easy to fall into temptations, but remember to be consistent with your diet guidelines. If you know you fall into temptations quickly, it might be best to come up with a few different ways to work around it and resist those temptations. Some ideas include having talks with family and friends about your goals and the importance of sticking with them. It can be helpful to have someone as an “accountabili-buddy.” This person can be someone that you talk to regularly and will help keep you going in the right direction!

WeightWise has put together some of our favorite recipes for you to use this holiday season.

Main Dish Ideas:

Steak and Pan Seared Asparagus

Steak and Pan Seared Asparagus 

mushroom bruschetta chicken skillet

Mushroom “Bruschetta” Chicken Skillet 

Slow Cooker Chili

Slow Cooker Chili 

Side Dishes:

Scalloped Turnips

Cauliflower Stuffing 

Green Bean Casserole 



Crustless Low-Carb Pumpkin Pie

Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries

Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries

Have you tried any of these recipes? Or have any to share? Comment below!

Check out some other holiday recipe ideas at our 2020, 2019, 20182017201620152014, and 2013 posts.

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