Cauliflower Stuffing

Cauliflower Stuffing

STUFFING!! Since I was little, stuffing has always been my favorite Thanksgiving side dish. Now I do not mean any stuffing, it has to be my grandma’s stuffing. She attempted to not make her stuffing for Thanksgiving a few years ago, which I was not happy about....
Avocado Deviled Eggs

Avocado Deviled Eggs

Deviled eggs are a family favorite during holidays or summer months when we cook out. We have our favorite traditional recipe of course. But who doesn’t want a little variety every now and then? When making deviled eggs, the main goal is to incorporate a little...
Cauliflower Hummus

Cauliflower Hummus

Looking for a lower-calorie, veggie-rific alternative to your usual hummus? This roasted cauliflower version delivers classic hummus flavor and rich, creamy texture—not to mention a bonus serving of non-starchy veggies! Cauliflower is bursting with vitamin C, a...
Grilled Pork Chops

Grilled Pork Chops

There are many, many things my husband and I agree on (and some things we don’t). But one area of tension is his love of ketchup. I try really hard to remember his love of this condiment when the ketchup goes on my lovely grilled chicken, salmon, or omelets, but...
Blackened Tilapia

Blackened Tilapia

Waking up to the smell of coffee brewing. The sound of rain falling on a window. Rain in general. Reading a good book or hearing a good story. Cookouts or picnics or just eating outside. So many of my favorite things happened today and I am grateful to have such a...

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