Tuna Salad

Tuna Salad

I’m in a hurry. You’re in a hurry. We are ALL in a hurry most of the time. Especially in the middle of the day. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve had a patient tell me, “I need a lunch that is quick and convenient. Can you help me?”...
Antipasto Salad

Antipasto Salad

Do you ever feel like if you have to eat the same old salad again you might just keel over? Yep, me too. An Antipasto Salad is your ticket to something different. Food fatigue is a quick way to get off track with your eating plan. So mix it up a bit when you can! Get...
Taco Salad

Taco Salad

Tacos can be funny….  Tacos can be delicious… And tacos can be easy. I have several “go to” meals that I use when I’m in a time crunch or an “I don’t want to cook tonight” crunch. A taco salad is one of them. Give it 15...
Veggie Chili

Veggie Chili

 If you are looking for more ways to incorporate vegetables into your diet, this veggie chili is for you! This vegetarian chili especially delicious. It has black beans, red kidney beans, tomatoes, a ton of vegetables, and spice which makes it flavorful yet easy to...

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